Benchmark your manufacturer part numbers (MPNs) on our platform and track how your costs are changing. Understand if your costs are aligned with or go beyond market prices.
Reinforce your network of suppliers. Factor in a range of key insights rather than a single metric. Make smarter sourcing decisions with Part Risk Intelligence.
Get immediate insights to optimize procurement decisions, cost savings and drive effective strategic sourcing for your direct materials
Get immediate insights to optimize procurement decisions, cost savings and drive effective strategic sourcing for your direct materials
Explore how Dyson’s Supply Chain Leader Navigates Complex Decisions
“It's fantastic to have a system that can analyze the data and give you insights, but you're not going to go anywhere if your people's mindset is still stuck on Excel.”
Maintain close relations and strengthen supplier partnerships with our RFX Tool. Request for Quote (RFQ) and Information (RFI) and take immediate action on our platform. Look beyond the constraints of emails and spreadsheets.
Break down the costs of custom parts. Dive deep into metal, resin, material and machine costs and surface insights to enhance cost savings.
Watch our demo on demand and see why leading supply chains around the world rely on LevaData's decision intelligence and supply chain analytics platform.